Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to Get Rid of Acne Rosacea

Rosacea is a common problem that besets many people. The treatment for this type of problem is not very comfortable and if you have developed this condition, it is possible that you have tried out various skin treatments. The characteristics of Acne Rosacea are soreness of the cheeks, forehead and nose and even behind the eyes. The skin appears red with pustules or papules and is often accompanies by broken veins (telangiectasia) when you develop acne rosacea.

The other common symptoms noticed, when a person develops this condition, are a general thickening of the skin and large open pores. Very often the margins of the eyelids are affected and appear sore and red with sties or papules. It is no wonder then that a person who suffers with acne Rosacea feels very self conscious and shuns being seen in public.

Fair skinned people, especially those that are of Celtic extraction, are normally affected by this problem. This skin condition is not related in any way to Acne which is commonly referred to as Acne Vulgaris. The characteristics of this latter condition predominantly surface as blackheads, cysts and milia. The people, who normally get affected by Rosacea, are in the age bracket of 30 to 60 unlike youngsters who are most affected with Acne.

Rosacea is generally triggered by sunlight and manifests itself as outbreaks on the skin. The factors that can also cause this problem are alcohol, stress and insufficient hours of rest, caffeine and low immune systems. The pain that accompanies this condition is quite unbearable as the skin becomes extremely sensitive to the touch. It is safer to use make-up that contains natural mineral rather than use any type of chemical agents that will cause adverse reactions. Try using creams to control the symptoms and soothe soreness. How to getrid of acne Rosacea?

The main factors that can play a role in treating Rosacea are good nutritious food and good hygiene. Make sure you drink plenty of water and eat good foods that help to cleanse the system and minimize subsequent breakouts. Try to maintain a diet that is low in proteins and eat plenty of fresh green vegetables. The body requires to be alkalized to become healthy again. An effective treat that you can indulge in is eating dark chocolate which is a powerful anti-oxidant that can work wonders for this problem!

Other remedies that can be used are the extracts taken from the licorice roots, as it has good anti-inflammatory properties that work to clear acne and improve the texture of the skin. The irritants in the body can also be reduced when you take licorice. However do not take too much of this root as you may suffer from side effects.

If you are looking for cheaper alternatives on how to get rid of acne, you can try to drink extract of green tea as it is a safe option that will not irritate the skin in any way. It is not as expensive as taking treatments that are prescribed over the counter. It is not advisable to add sweetener to the tea as it will negates the goodness of the liquid. You can easily buy green tea in health and food stores.